Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Geez, another two weeks have gone by without a post. There has just been so much going on. It's like Christmas almost everyday I go home with all the packages of wedding stuff that is waitin on the doorstep. We have gotten so many big checks marked on the 'ole to do list. I still have quite a few craft projects to do but Clay leaves on safari in a week and a half so I will have two weeks of quiet to get lots knocked out. We found wedding bands, which was huge victory. He went for a ring by a designer named Konstantino. Its really different. It has a cross design on one side, and onyx on the other. For me, we found a band to match my engagement ring perfectly and it will be here on Friday since they didn't have it in stock.

I had my bridal shower on 13th hosted by my bestfriend and MOH, Tressa, and her mother. It was great. She is going to send me pics so I can post them. I did, however, find out that day that the new Mystic Tan formulas are way different now. I spray tanned that morning and just kept getting darker all day. I looked like Malibu Barbie by that night...and not in a good way. Obviously, I do not need to add a bronzer to the new formula! Good thing I did a test run before the big day. Wouldn't want to look like Anne Hathaway in Bride Wars:

I did decide on the rehearsal dinner decor. I wanted something that tied into the wedding colors, but didn't want to match it. So, I'm going with the red and turquoise as my color scheme. I found white cloth napkins for cheap at Target. I'm going to tie them with turqouise grosgrain ribbon that has a white hemstitch on it and secure a little fake bright cherry to it. It sounds corny, but I think it will be cute a whimsical. I ordered bright turquoise tablecloths and will put white bud vases down the middle with red ranunculas. For dessert, I'm making individual cherry cheesecake pies in red polka dotted cupcake cups. I think it will all come together nicely. Dinner will be short and sweet since there is a herd of us going to the venue that night to start setting up. Here are some pics from Martha Stewart of the same color scheme:

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